Apps, Websites, Graphics , Digital Marketing, Server and Internet Solutions
If you need an effective online presence, we can help you.
We've got beyond what it takes

Web & Apps Design
We offer professional web design services. We are specialists in Web development and content Mangement

Web & App Hosting
We provide webhosting services and best environment for managing web content, with lots of free tools

Domain Name Services
Get any kind of domain name ranging from .com, .net, .org, .us,, .ng,, .biz, .info, and many more...

Digital Marketing
We provide degital marketing services, search engine optimization, online (google, facebook, etc) advertizement

Graphics Design
Looking for professional Graphic designer?. We design flyers, Bill Boards, Magazines, Books, Books-covers, Wedding cards, Bags, Identity Cards, Letter-heads, News papers, banners, flags, posters and general contracts, etc.

Programming & Project
We provide programming services of different types, developing Mobile and other web applications, Managing projects, Projects review, Mockpups, Blueprint etc. We are experts in C++, C#, PHP. Contact us for details...

Training Services
We give ultimate training by providing Web Design Video tutorials. Sales videos available for sale for beginners. It is possible to start from scratch and become a professional web developer. For details contact us

Web & General Consultation
Is your business slipping off your hands? We have a solution. Do you want to start a new business? We have an Idea. We provide professional business consulting services to help you grow

Our Training Services
We offer extensive and practical training services in three areas of IT specialization, namely Web, Applications and Graphics

Amtel In Numbers
Amtel Web attaches great importance to the numbers, is our way to success, and counting..
Happy Client50
Hosted Accounts68
Domain Names95

Why Amtel Web ?
Here are some of the reasons to choose our company